Defined by Numbers

Ditch the scale mentality!

Scattered numbers

In our society, we frequently find ourselves defining our happiness based on numbers. We believe we will be “happy” when we make a certain amount of money. We think it is “all down hill” after a certain age. Everyone has heard the saying “happiness is a journey, not the destination” but we don’t always realize how often we are actually “defining” our successes, especially when it comes to health and wellness.

Having consulted and trained individuals for over ten years now, I frequently run into clients defining whether or not they are successful based on a single number on the scale. Tears running down their faces in pure frustration that they can not reach a certain weight. And for everyone this number is different, but that number seems to have the same daunting affect emotionally. I constantly hear "But I just want to be 125lbs" as if reaching this number will create an overall happiness and feeling of success in this clients journey. Often, if clients do finally each this number, they don't feel as "sexy" or as elated as they expected, and continue to press on with other extravagant goals defined by numbers.

Now don't get me wrong. I am ALL about setting goals and pursuing them. The issue becomes when that goal or number is unrealistic and causes a constant sense of failure or self doubt. For example, setting an original goal to reach 125lbs, but during that journey unexpectedly putting on a tremendous amount of muscle dropping from a size 8 to a very lean and healthy size 2, all while STILL being 129lbs. In hopes to still reach that 125lb goal, you push yourself through hours of cardio on a daily basis. You are miserable at Thanksgiving, depriving yourself of your favorite holiday pleasure. You snap at your loving husband for "daring to eat a cookie in front of you". And for WHAT?! Just so you can say you weigh 125lbs? I can guaruntee your mind, body, and soul will feel NO different when and if you reach that goal. Your husband will think you were just as sexy at 129lbs as 125lbs. You will be no healthier and no happier.

So where am I going with this? Embrace the journey. Embrace how far you have come. Strut your sh*t at 129lbs! Or every other number! And be flexible!